
Crisis SupporT

988 - Lifeline

THRIVE - crisis support led by trans and disabled peer providers:

Text THRIVE to +1.313.662.8209

Additional curated options by Inclusive Therapists

Co-occuring issues

Body-focused repetitive behaviors

NEDA - eating disorders

National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI)

ADHD - Start here



ADDitude Magazine

Jessica McCabe, Neurodiversity University

Low Fee Therapy

Therapy collectives list at Inclusive Therapists

Open Path low fee collective

Insurance based directories: Alma, Headway, Rula

Neurodivergent Therapist resource directory page

OCD - Start Here

International OCD foundation

CBT school - online training primers

ADAA resources on OCD

OCD Stories - podcast of personal narratives and OCD experts